Originally Posted by eco21268
I don't like the label for the same reason some others don't but also because I think it causes a negative reaction for other parents and kids sometimes.

That is certainly the case here.

Originally Posted by eco21268
If I'd had a choice, I wouldn't use the word but would instead explain what it means (without referring to IQ--another place kids might speak without filtering themselves and offend others. You could speak specifically about areas of strength, for instance, and even areas of relative challenge (should there be any) and why it's important for people to learn things in the right "zone."

This was my approach with DS12. I was also concerned that he would brag if he had numbers or the word "gifted"--I put the term off as long as possible and he still does not have IQ numbers. (Not truly possible to put off the social knowledge, but the downplaying did help.) The conversations have changed over time on a need-to-know basis.

But for another child, who might need the validation more and be disinclined to brag, I wouldn't hesitate to use the term. It just depends so much on local context and what information the particular child needs at this point in their development.