Originally Posted by deacongirl
Deedee gives great feedback as usual. It sounds like you will soon get the information you need to make those positive changes for your child. Kids like yours are the reason I am going back to school to become a teacher. Hang in there.
Thank you! I am trying to tell myself that all of these things this year have been informative and in the interest in helping DS. I think I have plenty of "evidence" if needed that I was left too far out of the loop to do anything different until I was suddenly *in the loop* but not in an effective way.

I had not heard word one about the "class clown" behavior until yesterday, for instance. I had only heard the "snarky" comment from one teacher. But it was universally reported.

I talked to DS on the way to school. He agrees with psych that his intense feelings are not matched with equal coping skills and that avoidance/withdrawal does not help him succeed.

He said it will be no problem to cease and desist with the "class clown" stuff, now that he knows it is a problem. Time will tell on that one.

Does anyone know if you can get behavior analysis and/or behavior intervention plan with 504?

I'm sorry that I keep going on and on and on. Nobody IRL (with the exception of my sister) believes that any of this is happening (my mother, for instance, said I HATE diagnoses!--but didn't offer a better alternative). So I'm alone with it. I'm divorced and kids' dad is absent. So this board is my fill-in. I will mellow out soon. smile