Madeinuk, I'm very sorry to hear about that onset of memory.

I recall clearly snippets from a caravanning holiday when I was 2.5. The car trip at night with my brother and I lying on the back seat (an age before car seats), supposedly to sleep, kicking one another. Being drawn in a cart, kicking one another. Lying on the lower bunk in the caravan, kicking my brother in the top bunk in the back from below. (Do you detect a theme there? :p). And the washrooms on the campground.
I also recall hitting my head on the door frame after playing tag with my brother on socks in the hallway, again around the age of 2.5. I recall sitting there with my legs to the left and right of the door frame, crying, with the blood running down my face. I also recall lying on the gurney in the ER, being told to look into the light as they stitched me up.
I recall wearing a diaper, and being toilet trained, stuffing my undies with toilet paper in the bathroom because I thought it was a great training step to wiping myself, and proudly walking to my mom to show her. Given that it was in the seventies and my mom was still washing cloth diapers to save money, it must have been before I was three.