DD, now 11, had good recall of early events (around age one) when she was about 7 or 8, but she does not have recall of those events now. She remembers remembering them, but doesn't recall if they were true memories or made up. This is in line with normal development and "childhood amnesia."

What impressed me was not the timing of the memories, but their depth and detail (she described learning to read -- or rather beginning to understand the words in the book I was reading to her -- just around the time of her first birthday and she included lots of detail about the birthday itself including the color of the cake and decorations, gifts she'd received, people who were there, etc.). We don't have any photos around (they are all in a giant box marked "organize someday" in the garage -- I know, we are horrible).

She's indifferent to this now, but I find it very poignant that we lose most of these early experiences as we age.

Her first memory at this point is when she was somewhere around three or four and the power went out while she was having a bath. Very scary for her at the time.