For both your sakes, you will have to look for others families among your and your husbands friends. As odd as it may feel to think "my kids get to play only with other kids whose parents have PhDs", it may be a necessary selection criterion - well, never having finished my own PhD, at least being able to (and have pleasure in doing so) interact with gifted adults (the real you, not the mask you are wearing for parental activities). If they genuinely like hanging with the two of you, they and their kids will not be fazed by yours.
Agreed. Especially since wiggle room is given for exceptions: Unfortunately, some gifted kids are so turned off from formal education that they do not pursue higher degrees. Others may find engaging employment and defer the completion of degrees.

While seeking intellectual peers is paramount, some may say it is important not to limit one's self in ways which may create an elitist "filter bubble" or indicate narcissism or send a message that our gifted kids are trophy children.