Originally Posted by HowlerKarma

Well, further down the page, my inquiring mind encountered:

"[The melancholic's] physical body, which is intended to be an instrument of the higher members, is itself in control, and frustrates the others. This the melancholic experiences as pain, as a feeling of despondency. Pain continually wells up within him. This is because his physical body resists his etheric body's inner sense of well-being, his astral body's liveliness, and his ego's purposeful striving."

Maybe I'm to understand this as a sort of metaphysical multiple-personality disorder. Is that even a DSM thing at this point? I forget.

Mostly, this thread is setting off giggles over here...I'm just going to contribute the minor footnote that multiple personality is more properly called dissociative identity disorder:


...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...