Originally Posted by Dude
Originally Posted by ultramarina
As an atheist, I find most religious beliefs pretty odd and nonsensical regardless of tradition. So, the past lives, etc is no weirder to me than various Biblical miracles. However, what is odd to me about Waldorf is that they don't bill themselves as religious school, yet they clearly are deeply influenced by reliious (minority religious) principles. At least my son's Christian preschool was upfront about being Christian!

Agreed. It's such a hodgepodge of beliefs, borrowed heavily from multiple, disparate religious systems, and enhanced with certain human developmental principles that have no prior basis in either religion, philosophy, or psychology (or if so, they're not apparent to me), that Waldorfianism could be considered to be a new religion altogether.

Exactly so-- Charlotte Mason is the homeschooling variant of a similar set of pedagogical core tenets, but it is overtly Christian (with some Presbyterian-Reform overtones), and it's quite overt about those influences.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.