We really wanted to do Waldorf with my son, but it wasn't right for him. It seems great for more flexible and creative kids, rather than my ASD son. If I ever have an NT child it will be my school of choice.

Waldorf does do computers, just not until a certain age. I love the no media policy, my biggest issue with school is all of the mainstream junk my son is exposed to.

We vaccinate, but we have friends who don't. I'm not concerned, you either believe the vaccines work or you don't. If you think there is a good chance your child's vaccine will fail, then why get them in the first place? If my child had a weak immune system or certain diseases, it might be a concern for me.

Waldorf has no grading or homework, my two biggest reasons for wanting to use it. We did do a parent child class when my son was 2 and it was very nice. The kids baked bread and did arts and watched puppet plays. No books or academic stuff at all in the classroom and the parents sat around and sewed or knitted while the kids played (I just sat around since I have no ability in fabric arts.)

I can't speak as to whether it is good for a gifted child or not, we switched to a regular preschool where my son can get all of his IU supports and TSS (the Waldorf school is over 45 mins away with no traffic, an hour 15 with). I do know that as the kids get older there is a lot more emphasis on academics and they learn a lot more and at a faster rate than public school.

Another cool thing is that they spend the day on only 2 subjects and then each month or so switch to others, so they go much more in depth and waste less time changing classes during the day. They have drama and fabric arts and knitting, etc. for all of the kids. They are more concerned with teaching the kids to be critical thinkers than they are with teaching them to take the state tests.

Just like any other school, it will depend on the child whether the fit is right. I personally would rather have my gifted youngster knitting and playing violin and playing dress up at age 6 than sitting bored at a desk learning stuff they could do for 3 years. But then I'm not very focused on achievement, I really think childhood should be fun!