"Conform to nonconformist behaviors."

That is a brilliant description.

Hmm. My kids learned to read before they had lost their first teeth. I presume they are scarred for life now. Bad mommy!

Meanwhile, in Australia:

[Mr. Pereira] has withdrawn both his boys from ... the school, citing a range of concerns that culminated with a teacher's assessment of his younger son.

"She thought his soul wasn't fully incarnated yet, which was strange thing for me to hear at a parent-teacher interview," he said.

"And then she pulled out some drawings that he'd done which showed him, I guess, looking down, like a plan view of what he was drawing.

"And she used this as evidence that his soul was hovering over the earth and looking down on the earth and so, therefore, she felt that he wasn't quite ready to move into the following year."

Last edited by Val; 12/23/14 10:23 PM.