
I agree with you on tutoring. I really think it should not take place during school hours. All children should be allowed to learn new and deeper information during the school day.
Also, teaching others is a big responsibility and I wouldn't want my 10 year old responsible for ensuring another 10 year old learned the information.
Most children are asked to tutor others so they won't "get too far ahead" of the others in class. Tutoring by choice after school or working on group projects is another thing, but forcing children to stop their quest for knowledge to help others master what they already have just isn't right.
It's like being in the workplace and everyone starts out in the same job. One person is going to be promoted and that person must know X. You already know X. However, your boss tells you that to ensure you don't get an unfair advantage, you must teach everyone else on the job X as well. You are not the manager, supervisor, or team lead, just a peer. But you are givin the responsibility of a manager (without the pay or other benefits). If my child is asked to tutor duing the school day, I would like him compensated like any adult would be compensated. Give him the hourly wage of a para or teaching assistant smile