Here�s a tutoring story for you all;

When I was in 5th grade, our school implemented a peer tutoring program. I went to the 6th grade class to tutor an older student. He developed a crush on me because I was nice to him. He delivered a gift to my door on Christmas Eve morning and asked my dad to give it to me. I was absolutely mortified as I was an extremely sensitive child. My parents made sure to share this �cute� story with everyone I was related to over that two day period.

Then, on Valentine�s Day, he left a heart-shaped box of chocolates at my desk. More teasing (of course)! In my angry humiliation, I asked my friends to bring it back to him. Instead of my two friends returning it, every girl in my grade (except me) went. Of course I cry to think of how this boy felt when it was returned by a mob who apparently declared that I didn�t �like� him and to leave me alone!

The next year, we were in the same class because he had flunked. One day (when the principle was gone) our teacher brought me to the principle�s office were she yelled at me the entire time the other kids had lunch and recess. She told me that I had probably ruined his life!

Of course this was a worse case scenario. My daughter tutors for one hour per week after school and my son is a tutee of an older boy who mentors him in above grade level math. I think this is great!! I do not believe it should occur during school hours when every child, including the advanced student should receive a challenging education.