Hi, thanks trinity, galaxy girl and delbows, your words are encouraging.
I have heard of a girl that grade skipped a few years ago but really it's quite unheard of where I live, (North-East of England)even when I was at school.
My daughter has always been way ahead of her peers and it can get frustrating for her. I've been wanting to ask for this for years but finally plucked up the courage (why do I feel so scared?...)
My daughter taught herself to read at 2yrs, at 3yrs she loved atlasas, encyclopedias, she retaines all this information and is a fountain of knowledge. Her maths is fantastic too. She's now 8yrs(nearly 9).
With a grade skip she will then have only 1 full school year and a bit until comprehensive school (11-18yrs). The sooner she gets there the better. She knows what she wants to do with her life, she feels that she has outgrown her current school and will be able to 'breathe' when she gets to comprehensive.
She's not especially mature for her age and I worry that could be the schools argument against us, but she's more than capable academically.

So tomorrow I have a meeting with her headmistress, do I get on my knees and beg?!

Keeping your thoughts of encouragement in my head.

Will tell you how it all goes......