Thanks for the advice, meeting is in 6 hours!
The 'cutting down the poppies' thing is shocking, I had no idea about it until a couple of weeks ago.
The schools are run by the local government. The only other alternative is private schools and our income wouldn't cover it. I've also got 2 younger daughters to think about.
I don't think that 1 grade skip is enough for her academically, but I think it would be like feeding her to the lions if she went straight into comprehensive school in September. Just missing out 1 year of the 2 years she has left at her current school would be much more of a smooth transition.
What I should have said earlier too, is that the comprehensive school has a 'gifted programme' already in place with a dedicated teacher. I don't know enough about it yet as I only found out a few days ago but wow, it can only be a positive thing.
Anyway, must go and make some notes or something, prepare myself for meeting.
Lots of deep breaths needed!!

Still feeling scared, do I sound over the top if I say this meeting decides the rest of my daughters life? Thats how I see it anyway.
Wish I had the courage like galaxy girl!!!