Originally Posted by binip
Does anyone else share my feeling that we are just being told this by people who have most of the money, to keep us quiet?

I just have this sense that I was tricked into a career in public service, into being generous and taking time off to be with my babies as infants, all for "intangible" rewards. I feel that all these warm and fuzzy feeling things are kind of a confidence trick. "You should feel good about helping, not demand money for it." Well where does that leave me? And everyone who says that managed to get money and is comfortable.

When you don't have money, you have no control over your life.

I've got the whole, do nice things, be a good person, do fulfilling stuff, make a nice family thing down. No problem. What I need is cold, hard cash.

I missed this thread when you originally posted, btw. As I read your comment above, it reminded me of the comments recently made by the CEO of Microsoft. Satya Nadella-Good Karma

Even though he later apologized for his remark, I think the sticky residue of what was said is not going to go away.

Being there early for your children is priceless, as I suspect you know; but I agree that women are still being fed the line that helping for the sake of helping should be enough and somehow asking for money casts women in a bad light.

Welcome back!