Originally Posted by HelloBaby
We live in a school district where gifted education starts at 4th grade. We opt for a private school for the children due to smaller class sizes. I would have to push pretty hard at the current school to get any accelerations/differentiations, if any.
It is my understanding that state laws for gifted education apply to the public schools only, not to private schools. In choosing a private school, parents choose the school's philosophy and curriculum, foregoing other options.

I have no problem to relentlessly advocate since I have the typical Type A personality, but I was wondering how far is too far? How far should you push for accelerations/differentiations if your child is happy socially at school but clearly (to you) not challenged?
Over time, in posts on other threads, parents have suggested not pressing when there is not a viable alternative educational placement option or "plan B".

Have you read advocacy resources to provide yourself with some of the best approaches?