bluemagic, All I can say is go with your gut feeling. If you feel it needs to be looked into more closely then do it. These gifted kids are becoming more aware of themselves in relation to other kids and they start questioning things about themselves. Also talk to your DS and see if he feels something else may be going on. My DD was able to express to me that she felt different in more ways than just the gifted. That helped validate what I saw was going on. The good things about the Gifted part is that some are very capable of expressing profound things about themselves. Communication is a key thing.
My DD and I had a long discussion about the tests that were run and how she felt about the outcome. I told her she really isn't any different than anyone else when you really look at it. Everyone of us has something we are good at and something we struggle with. Learning that most times we cannot avoid the struggle so we need to learn how we work best in those situations and work with that. And that is why we are trying to help her learn how to work with the struggles so she can be the successful person I want her to be in whatever she chooses to do with her life.
It's amazing how well these kids understand a very complicated conversation like that.