Originally Posted by Irena
Originally Posted by polarbear
these combined with the extreme dip in processing speed on the WISC, when considered together, point to a possible fine motor issue - which could be causing her stress, especially in school. For some kids who have anxiety-prone personalities, like my ds, that type of stress, even though it might not seem like a big deal to us as parents (I'm speaking for myself here - I never would have realized it on my own) can lead to incredibly debilitating anxiety.


Yes, yes, yes. BTDT. My poor child was unrecognizable - turned out he was over 2 years delayed in fine motor and was having terrible visual issues. But was smart enough to get by and look like a normal, bright kid with crazy behavioral issues when really he was a gifted kid trapped in an inadequate body wondering what the heck was wrong with him.

I think you need to get her evaluated asap by an OT and a PT ... They won't diagnose but they will tell you where she falls compared with age-peers on fine motor and gross motor. Then you will know what your dealing with there. I would also pursue a neuro-psych eval to see if she has dysgraphia and/or DCD. To be quite honest, she sounds a lot like she could have DCD and dysgraphia... Once you get a challenge like that identified, accommodated and remediated the child will soar.

Last edited by Irena; 10/26/13 02:52 PM.