Polarbear, He did ask about the score because he had some concerns about that. But when she took those test in second grade she was so concerned about being taken out of class (and missing classwork) for testing that she stressed out a lot! The school's counselor had to test her one subtest at a time to get them all in without her freaking out. They stated that she was terrified of not getting her classwork done.
Everyone else, the plan right now is to get her to calm down so we can work on other things. If there is still something else going on we will address it then. I know we may just be at the beginning of the road but she doesn't seem to have a lot of other issues going on. Her grades are fantastic even her PE grade came up which is usually not her thing (she is a bit of a clutz), but she seemed to like the Tennis section.
She likes being with her friends again and this year there are more of the gifted kids in her classroom. So when they go to pullout she is not the only one going. Last year she felt like she was being teased for that and she didn't like it obviously. She is starting to learn to own her giftedness, and dare I say geekiness (Her father and I are absolute geeks so we are trying to show her it's okay).
We were in the middle of a move last year too but now are settled in our new home so that has helped. The only big concern I have is that she doesn't like to write. She said that if she could type out her writing assignments it would help her. Her handwriting is getting better but she is slow at it. So I would like to address that soon but want to see what the med's do for the anxiety. We will see the Psychiatrist again in 3 weeks for med checks and just checking in.
I am concerned there may be a motorskills issue going on but not sure at this point. She has trouble tying her shoes still. I don't know I guess it's just working with one thing at a time until we fix each issue. Thanks for the advice and if you think of anything else let me know.