So much has happened in the last year. My DD now 10 was just diagnosed PDD-NOS although they said she was just inside the autism spectrum disorder. Mild enough that the anxiety issues and the giftedness was masking a lot. She has an OT for her small and large motor skills issues. She is seeing a therapist for anxieties and a case worker to sort out her social issues.

In the last three months she has improved enough to take a vacation without me and did fantastic. She did summer school without issues and a Theatre camp at which she tried out for a Solo and won it. I am so proud of her and had to brag with those who understand the struggle and who understand why I am so proud. It took us a while to get here but here we are. Still have a long road ahead but at least it has fewer obstacles and potholes...LOL.

Thanks everyone for your advice and encouragement.


"Imperfections in our journey were what made it perfect."-Ewan McGregor