I wasn't "offended" at the idea of showing ID -- I can't recall really ever being "offended" at anything, to be honest. But I would put up a great show of it, if the question ever arose.

My point was that "driver's licenses" are being used for everything under the sun, when they are about one thing and one thing only -- driving. Same with Social Security cards, which are about one thing and one thing only -- Social Security. Everyone thinks they have a right to see your driver's license and SS card for every piddling little thing, and then people wonder why identity theft is rampant.
We sign in at the office when we enter the school, and are given a sticker to show that we did. This past year, they started putting name and date on the sticker, as well as having a log book for signing in and (theoretically) out.
But having the doors locked, with security cameras rolling and sign-in procedures in place, is no guarantee of security -- the shooter at Sandy Hook broke the glass and unlocked the door, and was duly recorded while doing so. All of these things are only an illusion of safety, while being a real invasion of privacy at the same time. The shooters will get in if they want to, and the child molesters are already there.
Now more on topic, we also have a "blanket permission" form in every year's registration packet, that is supposed to give permission for your child to go on all field trips. I sign it every year, for both children. And every time they have a field trip, they send home a permission slip to be signed. If it doesn't come back (DS is good at losing things), someone calls or emails to make sure it's ok for him to go on the field trip. I don't know why they have the blanket permission form, if nobody is going to do anything with the information.