Originally Posted by ColinsMum
School security in the US is not about child molestation, is it now, people. It's about shootings.

Sort of. Abuse in schools is a huge problem. Yes, the locked doors and the lockdown drills are about the shootings, but again, it's the wrong kind of caution. Very sadly, we've been shown that locked doors don't stop people with guns, just like asking parents to show ID (especially to people who know them) won't stop school employees from molesting kids.

TBH, all this reminds me of the bomb drills kids had to do in the 1950s and 1960s. Like hiding under your desk was going to provide meaningful protection from an H-bomb. Those drills served to scare people, just like today's so-called necessary cautionary measures scare people and keep them in a frenzy about one thing while the root problems are ignored.

It's about where you want people to focus their attention, not meaningful security.