Originally Posted by Irena
Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
Principal Cuddly Crocodile approached me because she was "very concerned" that DS7 is not going on the field trip. I thanked her for her thorough follow thru and her attention to this. But I simply repeated the reasons that DS has already told her about not wanting to go on the trip. I then asked her, what's all the kerfuffle about? Are they going to the Jim Jones Nature Center? (Blank stare.) ...

Then the principal approached DH (Mr. Terse - he doesn't use any more words than he ever has to use. He is linguistically efficient.) He just stated, "I find you and your staff to be offensive. I will not discuss the matter any further. Thank you."

Oh my gosh, I am dying laughing! The Jim jones Nature Center! (Loved HK's Kool Aid comment ealier too - laughed so much ) Where are the parents like you at my DS's school!?!
