Thanks again for all your support. I did download A Nation Deceived and both DH and I read it. We made the decision to advance DS, and he will begin first grade on Monday. I am so excited for him and his new teacher is also gifted and did early advancement when she was in school as well. Our gifted program here doesn't start until 3rd grade but this first grade class is the one with "those" students. And on top of that, the class is further broken down in subgroups according to what level they are own. DS will immediately be placed with the top readers, currently a group of three.

I got the complete assessment reports yesterday and WOW is all I can say. His fluid reasoning score on the SB was 144. That was the highest of all the subscores but again, WOW.

Also, my absence around here isn't because I don't appreciate all the good advice et al, that I have received. I will try to help offer the same once I catch up on all the new threads! I have a dear friend who has fallen my computer crashed (using DH's now) that's why the disappearing act.

Take care everyone, and thanks again for everything! Wish us luck in the first grade!