My husband's father and brother were both gifted. His father tested in the 'very superior' group and I'm not sure about his brother. Neither skipped grades. Neither is living his dream life either. My BIL was in the gifted program at his school and he loved it and he was thriving but the mother pulled him out because she thought he received too much homework. So this is what my husband bases his objections on. Doesn't make sense, does it? How can he draw on detrimental experiences of people who never actually even experienced it?

Truth be told, my guess is he's a little freaked out by it all and just wants to be sure we don't push DS into something. LIke he's concerned about high school...says if he's too young none of the girls will date him (ummm, if he's too young HE won't be dating!) and that he'll be last in his class to go through puberty and stuff. I told him if we ever get to the point where the difference is that great (like if we ended up doing more skips) that he would not be in public school, but in a school where he is not different...meaning a school for the gifted, of course.

And no, he has not read anything. The only thing he knows is what I and DS's teacher tell him. I've tried to get him to read up but he hasn't. But I'll bet if I bought some of these books and had them here he might.