I wonder why some kids hate testing and other kids love it? Do you think it has to do mostly with perfectionism and fear of failure?

DD6 still talks about how much she liked taking the Woodc*ck-Johnson reading mastery test last year, which took about 6 hours overall but was broken up into 3 sessions. She was 5 yrs, 5 mos. at the time, and even during the test when she was getting tired, she wanted to keep going. It was amusing... the tester had told her that she could stop at any time, so after awhile she'd say, "I think I want to stop now, after this page." Tester would say, "Okay, that's fine." Then DD would finish the page, peek at the next page and say, "Well, maybe just one more page." And keep doing that for five or six more pages, until finally the tester said she thought they should stop for the day.

Many times since then, DD has asked when she can go back and take more tests! Part of it, perhaps, is that she really loved the tester and had such a great rapport with her.