polarbear, I do truly appreciate your trying to give me alternative perspective, and I would never have had any intention pushing this, especially on the legal end (it is far from worth it, plus, why force an issue with someone who clearly doesn't want you there? At this point, I wouldn't WANT DS in a class with this particular facilitator.) I was merely expressing my disbelieve at the situation.

I did tell the facilitator that we would leave if it was a problem, and while I do understand that we could have 'distracted the other kids' or 'taken away from a short period of time'...I don't know, I just think that that isn't a good enough reason. I mean, if one of the 7 years olds acts up (say, because his mom decided it was good for him to be there, but he really didn't want to, and then threw a fit about it) how would that really be any different? Because a 4 year is more likely to act out? No matter how much slack I cut the facilitator...it still itches like discrimination, you know? I don't mean it to sound dramatic, honestly...and maybe because this is our first REAL experience with this kind of roadblock, I am more sensitive. I am trying to let it go and use it as a learning experience. Part of the problem is that I don't like what this sort of thing means for the future...if something this insignificant is an issue...what about the big stuff? But we aren't harboring any crazy vendettas or anything. It just...rankles, that's all.