Originally Posted by Marnie
I'm sure many of you have been in this boat before...but if you haven't, it sucks.

Yes, been in that boat ...
Last summer my son (4) wanted to participate in the summer reading club at the library. No class, no meeting other kids, no maturity issue, no making people "uncomfortable". When I asked how to sign him up the woman I spoke to said "Well, he is not in school yet, so you can't. You can fill out the Mommy/Daddy Reads To Me sheets and enter that club. But the whole point is about the kids being proud of their reading accomplishments. I told her that since he will be the one reading I'd like him to be part of the reading club, not the read-to-me club. She then told me that 4year-old don't typically read and that he can't enter if he's not in K yet. Fortunately the other librarian had overheard and swooped in. "Of course he can participate. How great that he is reading already!" Thank goodness.
I am wishing you luck! Keep us posted.