I've been told that if it is not ADHD that is causing the problems, the medication won't change anything.
My husband has ADD. He was always called an underachiever throughout his schooling. It very much affected his self-esteem. While he always seemed to keep things together, working excessively, night school, M.B.A., taking care of a family; he always felt as if he was spinning his wheels.
After his diagnosis and treatment with Concerta, I noticed a huge change immediately and so did he. If he doesn't take it, I also notice.
There is controversy, because some of the symptoms of ADHD overlap with some of the traits of gifted people. Especially HG. I was misdiagnosed in elementary school as having ADHD and had to take medication I didn't need. There was no change in my behavior on the medication, if anything I was more out of control.
As moms we all have to make the best decision for our children based on the information we have and our gut feelings. If your decision is to medicate him and you see a noticable change, then no one really gets to have an opinion about that. Except maybe your son, and since he was the one to bring it up.....
I hope your treatment plan helps your son meet his potential and his own goals for education and performance.