I waited two years after my son was diagnosed with ADD before finally turning to medication. We tried every alternative you can think of, from herbal remedies to behavior charts, and nothing made a difference the way medication has. We started with the lowest possible dosage and I have tried to maintain him at the lowest level that shows a positive effect. I understand the comments you've received, as my son's ADD doc has seen his IQ tests and knows he is profoundly gifted. He has cautioned me to make sure that I am not trying to medicate him in order for him to excel academically. It's funny really, as I have been very clear with him about our reluctance to medicate, and we are very laid back about academics. But I guess sometimes it is hard for people to see giftedness and not wonder if there is parental pushing happening.

welcome to the board, and I hope your son will continue to do well in his new school!