After ranting above, I just had a thought. Perhaps the other teachers are just going through what I am.... which is bewilderment. Medication works....though I still think my son should just apply himself and get the task done. I suppose he's learning how to do this also. I know his humanities teacher is speachless.

I've been criticized in the past.... to which I basically ignore since I can't manage my son's behaviour in their classroom and I don't have problems at home. I just never heard a teacher bring up focusing issues.

Thank you Kriston and Dottie for your advice. I know the more I react to criticism I am not doing myself or my son any good. I just feel so alone with this.

To get him to be more autonomous I'm having him participate in an aDHD study at a local University to see if he can strategically focus on areas ADHD is causing issues for him.