Welcome. smile

I'm sorry you're feeling judged for your obviously carefully considered decisions. That's no fun!

Ultimately though, the questions are these: do you feel like you're doing the right thing for your child? Is the medication helping him? Would he say he is better off now than he was before?

If you answered yes to all of these, then I'd say you should ignore the critics. He's your son, and you have to do what you think is best. It sounds like he has ADHD and the medication has allowed him to do what he is capable of doing in a way that he couldn't before. Medication is not for all kids, but it is very helpful for some kids, and it sounds to me like your son is one of those kids. Well, then, good for you for figuring it out and getting him the help he needed!

Why do people even know about it? Is this generic criticism, or is it aimed specifically at you?
