Wow! Thank you everyone. I really appreciate all the feedback. Makes me feel like I am not alone.

As far as SPD or Asbergers, those have both been shot down as possibilities. He has some dramatic sensory issues with sound as a 3-4 year old but seems to have learned how to deal OR he has somewhat grown out of it. His tantrums do mimic something a kid on the spectrum would do but all we have heard from the testers, experts and psychologist is that he does not have any issues. He is just a PG kid. Seems the issues so far has been related to overexcitabilities.

I also forgot to mention that the week before Christmas and all of the 3 week Christmas Break he was an angel. No issues. He was like a different child., Happy, easy going and no intensity. He says it was because it was Christmas and he was excited, but he was also out of school....
This tells me though that this is not a constant state of mind for him, but related to outside sources. Sometimes I worry about a mental issue with him but this kind of tells me it is not.....or?

I really believe you are right. I think it is school related. I am planning on talking to him over the weekend, in small bits here and there. He teds to shut down if I push too much. Tonight I asked about his friends, trying to figure out if there is an issue there. He said he likes his friends and that they are "kind of funny". He also said he feels older than them when they are doing school work but not in PE,music and art. When I asked what he would miss the most if he didn't go to school anymore he said his teacher and friends. That made me happy. Seems he might have some kind of working relationship with his friends and I don't think there is an issue there. I will ask about other teachers tomorrow, and also about how the perfect day would look to him while in school. Like someone said, I think the PERFECT day would be for him to stay home and do exactly what he wants...not an option though.

KnittingMama, what a great scenario you came up with. You are spot on. Today when I picked him up he asked to go for a run when we got home "to get rid of some stuff inside". I asked what kind of stuff, but he couldn't tell me. So I think it is like you said, he doesn't know WHAT he is feeling and how to put a name to it. We talked about different feelings and he came up with it probably being frustration. I thought it was a good step for him to recognize that he had to vent though. Running is something he loves to do and I feel it is really healthy for his state of mind.

Again, thank you all so much for helping with this!