Thank you so much for helping me. I really appreciate it.

Dude, as far as socially, he does not have a big need for it. He does not ever ask to have a friend over. He says he likes being with his 4 year old brother the best, because he understands him. I think he has learned "to fit in" at school although his teacher said he sometimes stands by himself on the playground and "is not on the playground anymore, but somewhere else". He hates the super hero games the boys like to play at this age.He finds it ridiculous. He does love playing tag, so when they do that he is OK joining in. That being said, I am one of the homeroom mom's and spend a lot of time observing him. The kids adore him and respect him tremendously. Something I know goes on frequently is that they all ask him questions. How to spell words, calculate math etc. He has expressed a frustration with this and says "I can't concentrate". If the teacher hears this going on she will tell the kid asking to ask her instead. But most of the time she doesn't even know.

He says he LOVES art and PE, is OK with music but hates reading class. He also says he doesn't learn in science. I am not too concerned about science as of yet, but the reading class is my biggest concern. English class is also one he doesn't like but he is allowed to work ahead in the grammar book and finished last semesters book 2 months before the rest of the class. He would then do the worksheets I provided.

Reading class is everyday for 1 1/2 hours. I can see that being torture even though she lets him research for part of it. They read books like "horrible Harry" and talk/write about it. He is not interested in that level reading. Thinks it is silly.

He is in Karate once a week and basketball or soccer as well during the season.

Portia, I think he doesn't want to home school because he LOVES his teacher. And she really IS a gem. I also feel he wants to be there for art and PE. We have thought about partial home schooling. More about that later.

Indigo, yes we are in contact with a psychologist specializing in gifted kids. We are trying to get an appointment ASAP but she has been out of the country recently. I am hoping she can get some insight as to what he really is feeling. And you are right, I feel he has a very hard time expressing what goes on inside of him. I think he just can put his finger on it and verbalize it to us. I am assuming this might get better with age. I also don't want to ask him leading questions when trying to get him to open up. Putting words in his mouth.

Dude, I think you are spot on. We need to investigate what is really going on at school. My instinct tells me he need to be away from the kids for reading class. It seems when I go to the school to do his EPGY math with him, he comes back to the class refreshed and happy. I am wondering if getting a break from the kids in the class, all the questions and possibly the feeling of not having anything in common with them recharges him. Along with the fact that he is highly stimulated from the EPGY math. Today I will ask him about his friends. From what I know kids like him are not really "peers" with kids their age. He might just get drained being around them for too long. Any thoughts?

He has always been a loner so not being in class with the kids would suit him well. At this point I am thinking hiring a mentor, maybe a retired teacher OR someone tutoring the kids that are behind at the school. They could work with him for the first 2 classes of the day in a separate room. Do the school curriculum but at HIS pace. Work with him on creative writing, which he loves and is EXTREMELY advanced in. It is his passion. Obviously there is no REAL creative writing instruction going on in 1st grade.

Thank you for brainstorming with me. I already feel better...:-)