Originally Posted by GHS
I am thinking this is common in every kid. Has anyone asked friends who are not GT?

This does happen with kids who are not GT also - but the thing I'd watch out for is the degree to which it's happening, especially with a preschool aged child who can't perhaps communicate adequately what the root cause of the frustration is. It's easy to attribute it to lack of challenge for a highly gifted child, but it could also be one of many other things going on, possibly including being mistreated by staff at the school. Hopefully it's *not* that, but we had it happen with one of our dds, and I so wish I'd been able to somehow find out about it sooner than I did.

The thing about this type of acting out at home when a child is holding themselves together during the day at preschool (or later on in school) is - there is usually a reason they are having to hold themselves together, and it's important to figure out what's going on.

Best wishes,
