Dude, as far as socially, he does not have a big need for it. He does not ever ask to have a friend over. He says he likes being with his 4 year old brother the best, because he understands him. I think he has learned "to fit in" at school although his teacher said he sometimes stands by himself on the playground and "is not on the playground anymore, but somewhere else". He hates the super hero games the boys like to play at this age.He finds it ridiculous.

Oh, this just kind of makes me sad, though-- it truly sounds as though the schooling situation is NOT granting opportunities to bridge the gap between your son and his agemates.

While he might not have high social needs (I have one of those, too) it's different than having your NOSE rubbed in the fact that you're a space alien relative to everyone else. Over and over and over.

Have you talked to him about what HE thinks homeschooling would be like? Is there another option where you live? (Charters, virtual school, etc.)

It's possible that a virtual school could work for him. I recommend that only with some reservations and a lot of caveats for PG kiddos, but it does allow for more appropriate rate, peer interactions, etc. while preserving the ability to BE one's chronological age something more like full-time.

I'd dig a little deeper into what is eating at him about the current schooling situation before making decisions. It's possible it's something specific that he hasn't told you about (bullying, an adult who is singling him out, etc).

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.