REBEL! This is ridiculous. lol. My son who is currently in Kindergarten (this is not my gifted kid...but he is bright) reads 2 years above grade level. THANKFULLY, they use the "AR" program at when I said he needed harder books the teacher was willing to let him try a second grade level and let him stay there once he passed a few AR tests. So far he has taken about 10 and gotten 100 every we are good.

He can certainly choose to read easier books when he would like to, but he does not want to and I am glad he has a supportive teacher. BUT....if that had not been the case, I would have gone to the principal and district if need be. One of the jobs of a teacher is to provide rigorous instruction and practice. a book a year or two below where a student is...not rigorous.
Has he ever been giving a reading assessment like DRA or taken the online assessment in AR or STAR?