Wish me luck! We shall see what transpires! I also scheduled a parent/teacher conference with her to discuss homework in general. She probably will hate me after this, but I'm the only one that is going to advocate for him. It's my parental duty and right to ask that he complete to the best of his ability and not to the best of what is available through the class.

My son's class is 22, so I totally understand she is doing the best she can. I do a weekly Jr First LEGO League with four energetic 6 year olds. It is hard to work the middle between the kids that can't read/write well yet and the kids that can read/write. They are all kindergarteners except my son who is in first grade. It is easy to forget to challenge the kids that can for fear of alienating the ones that can't.

The time from ages 5-7 where kids are so all over the map. I truly believe age grouping does a disservice to many children who are capable of so much more than their age implies. This also is a disservice to the teachers when they can't must cater to the lowest group. I mean are there groups that complain that teachers are moving too fast? I'd like to find one!

Mom to DS9 and DD6