I am curious to hear what you guys think of this situation.

My DS is in first grade. They have a weekly book journal where they read a book and then write a summary and draw a picture. His teacher gives him books that are far below his reading level, but appropriate for first graders. At home, he reads books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Diary of a Wimpy Kid by himself. This has been an ongoing issue, but we've been quiet about it because my son really needs to work on his handwriting. The quality of books has always been poor quality and at best a 3rd grade level. Today, however, was the last straw when I saw what she had given him to read - Thomas the Train! I couldn't believe it and my son was super upset about it. It's almost insulting when we are reading "George's Cosmic Scavenger Hunt" by Lucy and Stephen Hawking and she gives him something his 3yo sister would enjoy. It might be ok for some 6yo's, but not this one.

I want to completely rebelling from this silliness by asking her to not even bother giving him a book. He can just write a journal based on what he is already reading. I am not sure there is a graceful way to handle this. This situation just makes me so upset that she can't even pick an appropriate book for him to read. Have any of you been in a similar situation? What did/would you do

Mom to DS9 and DD6