Yes, I have been in a similar situation. Last year when DS was 6 and in first grade, we had almost the same situation in math and reading. His teacher was very nice when I spoke with her. She would accommodate him once after each request, and then never again. The same thing happened even after we had DS tested and we brought his test scores and evaluation to school. Bottom line - she, and the school just didn't care about meeting his needs.

This year, DS is 7 and in second grade. Last year, we were able to make some progress at school and were able to get some accommodation. He was accelerated 3 years ahead in math. For some reason, at the start of this school year, the principal did not want to continue with DS's acceleration. So, before school started we had a meeting. She said that DS would be in an enrichment group in his grade, and that he would be able to work 3 years ahead with this group. After a few weeks of school passed, I found out that DS was receiving NO accelerated work. He was supposed to be in 5th grade math, but they had him doing 2nd grade enrichment math (which included throwing paper airplanes and measuring with a yard stick had far they had flown). I was livid when I found out! The principal and teacher had been lying to us. So began our "rebellion" (although we are not rebelling at all - we are simply meeting our son's educational needs). When I found out that DS was not being accelerated in math I simply told the teacher and principal that DS is to no longer do any math work that his teacher assigns. I began sending in math work from home. The school was quiet and let him work on it at school.

Also, it was at this point that we started to partially homeschool DS. It just seemed like a waste of time to go back and forth battling with the school over every subject. Ultimately, DS was put back in 5th grade math. We homeschool all other academic subjects. The plan for us is to continue this arrangement for one and half more years. Then DS will attend a local private school.

I have to say, though, that I still encounter a lot of hostility from the teachers and principal at DS's school. There is a lot of passive aggressive behavior on the part of the school. Our particular school has a real dislike for gifted kids. It appears to be a cultural thing among the staff, led by the principal. It's not easy for me sometimes when dealing with staff. The staff continues to make all sorts of sideways comments like, "Does DS get a chance to be a kid at home or does everything have to be challenging for him there too?" (The funny thing is that the 5th grade math class is not THAT challenging for DS. But they see us as tiger parents and not much, apparently, is going to change their view of us. Even when DS reportedly skips upstairs to his accelerated math class because he is THAT excited to be learning something at his level.) But DS really likes the current arrangement, he is happy and thriving so we will continue like this.