There is, of course, much more to this story. We've been back and forth with this teacher a few times. First, he tried to talk to her, then we stepped in to try and make sure he has books to read that are appropriate for him. We began the year with him taking in his own books, but she refused to let him read anything from home. She is not unapproachable, but won't accommodate him being more than one grade level ahead. There's nothing on file about what grade level he is actually at except his reading class which is he just finished the 2nd grade reading books. It's beyond frustrating to be ignored.

The book journal is a weekly homework assignment that he has to complete at home. I am just done with trying be polite about it. DS lit up when I told him he could write about the book we are reading. "You mean I can write about Dark Matter and Mars instead of talking trains?"

Puffin, this is Thomas the Tank, one in the same. My son never liked the show, but we had a couple books when he was 2-3. He associates it with being a toddler, so it was upsetting to him to be a first grader reading a "baby book".

I am only insulted by the fact that his teacher insists on him doing busy work that is well below what he is capable of doing and knows this is the case. It defeats the purpose of school being a place to learn. We've tried to be cordial about it and work with her. When do you say enough is enough?

Mom to DS9 and DD6