Well, I will just share my perspective as a very talented, female Millenial. I left a good career track in a STEM profession to be a SAHM and volunteer. This disappointed many people, including my parents, who felt that I was not "living up to my potential." I was also told things like, "Women should work."

I am sure some social scientist could come along and make the case that I am not "reaching my potential" because of "social or cultural forces." But if you ask me, I would say that I logically weighed my options, acted according to my own set of priorities (which may or may not be influenced by my gender), and I'm happier than ever.

I have a lot of admiration and gratitude for the work that female activists have done in the past generations. But maybe the pendulum has swung in the other direction, in some areas. Really, it is not a smart girl's duty to defy stereotypes any more than it is her duty to fulfill traditional gender roles.