Space_Cadet, this is exactly why we just weren't that concerned when DD lost interest in chess after just a few months of intense interest.
Could she be good? I think so, yes-- she has great strategic/spatial ability and she's at least EG, so yes.

But she hates winning a zero-sum-game very slightly more than she hates losing one, generally speaking, unless there is some outside factor that makes her "win" mean something larger.

Intimidation isn't a factor for her-- she took a great deal of joy in team LEGO competitions, after all, when she was the only girl, and the youngest in the room as well. It's the one-on-one, win-lose aspect that she doesn't like.

Honestly, given her perfectionistic streak, we haven't felt that chess would be all that good for her, either-- because it reinforces the precise aspects of her binary world-view that MOST need remediation. (In most instances, not coming in "first" place still means success, not failure.)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.