peanutsmom, something we have had to come to accept is that even a great school is not great for every child. Even a school that is great for a child one year might not be the next. And no you CAN'T know if a school that talks the talk will actually fit your child until you are there (and then remember that thing about some years being great and others being terrible). Basically I've stopped believing I can plan very far in advance. Certainly, I have plans that I hope might work out, but I am very aware that any year could be my kids' last at a particular school. When you are dealing with an unusual child you need to start thinking about "least worst" and "right now", because things change too fast to be sure what will work. I get caught up in every decision feeling so huge and momentous and long reaching in it's consequences, but sometimes you need to step back and realise any school choice can be changed, and it any choice you make might HAVE to be changed, no matter how sound it was at the time you made it... Make the best choice you can for right now and hope it keeps working...