I should also add that DS was the poster child for eye abnormalities when he was last given the WISC. When he had the TBI, the sixth cranial nerve was paralyzed and his right eye was stuck and wouldn't move for several months. So he had severe double vision whenever he didn't have an eye patch. Shortly before he did the WISC we had stopped the patching but his eyes still weren't completely aligned and he couldn't track his eye all the way to the right. Even now a year later he still can't track his eyes on command. If you put a pencil in front of his face and move it slowly back and forth and tell him to watch it, one eye will go one way and the other will go the other way.
He did fine on the WISC though other than block design. 18 on Matrix Reasoning and 19 on Picture Concepts. So I have a hard time believing it when docs claim that subtest scatter may be due to vision issues. He also did fine on a visual perception test over the summer and scored overall like a 10 year old