I don't think IQ is that stable in a 6 year old but probably an 8 year old (assuming they do their best on the test). The IQ scores of young children depend so much on what they are exposed to, it's pretty pointless to even test them unless some sort of problem is suspected.
Honestly, I don't really care about DYS. My older one has the IQ scores for DYS (her GAI and perceptual reasoning are both above the cut-off), but we don't have achievement testing and it seems like too much of a hassle/expense to bother with it. My youngest has the achievement test scores (Woodcock Johnson). He was given the WJ by his school as part of his IEP eval. Broad Math is at 155 but his IQ is a couple points off because of the 13 on block design. He shouldn't have been given that subtest because of his fine motor issues. But we weren't testing him to see if he was gifted, we were testing him because of developmental delays and a skull fracture/brain injury. So it made sense to do that subtest in that particular situation. His fine motor was especially bad after he was in the accident. If at some point we are in need of whatever services they provide I will look into it more. The school district probably couldn't care less what DYS has to say so I'm not convinced there would be much benefit.