Originally Posted by madeinuk
Basically I've stopped believing I can plan very far in advance

Isn't that the truth.

If life has taught me one thing it is that you need to write your plans out in pencil and have a good eraser.

YES times a million!

My DS is now 7 and has changed so much even over the past year. Last year school was a disaster, this year is is fantastic and the only change is him, the teacher and a few classmates (he's still in the same school). I have no idea what next year will bring but we'll deal with it as it comes. DS is very introverted and resistant to change but as he's maturing even that is becoming less of an obstacle.

He has 4 SD spread between the WISC-IV categories, scatter and asynchrony is our normal smile Try to find the best fit for the present and your best guess at the future but don't be shocked if that path changes.