Thank you, Polarbear and Apm221, for the education.

Our child had oral sensory issues that were pretty severe. It went away when he was 3, but it was a very gradual process. Today he has some mild sensitivities, such as to smell, clothing tag, shoes, also I have to be careful when trimming his hair. But the extent of today's problem is akin to allergy, we can avoid it by choosing something that he approves, and he complains about them but doesn't have any strong reactions.

Another thing we look for in the schools after we got the result, is what kind of ceiling they have, "in case" our son is highly gifted. We don't want to have to move him if a school can't accommodate acceleration to that extent. One other school for gifted children supports acceleration up to two grade levels up, I think, and I am not sure that is high enough ceiling. I am guessing, I am just not quite sure how to handle the level of precocity that he shows in 3D, and I don't know how that will translate into academic once he starts real schooling. Our current school focuses on SEL and is not very academic.

Thanks also for the comments about testing. I think you are right about the researchers that you mentioned. I also read a forum where some parents had their children recruited for the norming studies, and the results were very different than a previous version (one PG kid did not even score as gifted). I will need to do more reading about this and educate myself more. We are actually not into labeling, but we want to be sure our son will get the kind of support he will need.