My apologies to the original poster. I have been having computer glitches and some funky things have been happening. I edited out my previous post because it was in response to a different thread.
The variations aren't really so huge except for the one low subtest in processing speed. At age 4.5, I would expect development to be uneven across the board due to interest and developmental differences independent of ultimate intelligence. My oldest was the only one of my children who really got into 3D jigsaw puzzles and legos at age 3 and 4. For that reason, he really looked advanced in that particular domain because most 3 and 4 years olds have not expanded beyond 2d puzzles. That is not to say that your DS won't remain super advance in the visual-spatial domain or that his IQ won't improve across the board. It is simply rather unreliable at this age - at least that is what I have heard from professionals. It will be much clearer in 4 or 5 years.
Last edited by Quantum2003; 12/28/13 08:07 PM. Reason: error - previous post attached to wrong thread