Thanks everyone.

The school is doing IQ testing based on the extremely low scores he got from our psych. His overall IQ scored at 82, with a very low processing score. The principal was very disturbed by this. She said at minimum Zach should be at 100. (She feels he is highly intelligent.) Especially since he is excelling at reading and was formerly in one of the higher functioning class rooms and doing well academically. They will be doing observations also. Everyone that knows our ds comments about how bright he is. Teachers that know our ds say no way is that IQ score correct. I do think he has attention issues. Our biggest hurdle is that ds thinks he knows everything so it's hard to explain school work because of battles. There could be some working memory issues, but it's hard to tease out. His handwriting skills are poor. He is just learning to write numbers but had 20 minutes of common core math last night. When his writing picks up and can keep up with his brain it will be interesting! He will make it!

DS feels he is stupid because he is always in trouble. And he is. He is an interesting combo. He has little tolerance for others. He likes to be silly and pull pranks, which get him into trouble. (He mooned two boys yesterday after the bathroom. Today he was telling his boy buddies how to spell poop and pee. He gets in trouble be he thinks it is hillarious). He also resorts to physical measures when people ignore him and don't cooperate. His interests are strange sometimes and other kids don't get him. He doesn't have Aspergers because he is so social, but he has a hard time communicating with many kids his age. He wants to pretend to make labs and test things, or he will hone in on weird things like all the mechanism and machinery in IronMan and the other kids have no clue. He acts out movies and other things and other kids don't understand him. He is just different. We love him - any disability he has he can overcome, and we like his quirkiness because we are both quirky too.

ADHD symptoms are being off task on his work, being highly distractable, and wanting to converse all the time. He is very impulsive - if he wants to do it, he does it. But his actions have a purpose. It's not a bouncing off the walls kind of impulsive. It's not random. He has ADHD symptoms but he isn't what I think of as the typical ADHD. He was never accident prone or taking risks. In fact he needs to take more risks. I don't know he is a hard case.

On the sensory - he sleeps in scivies because he loves his sheets.

On exercise - when? He gets a snack after school and then naps from 4-5:30 or 6:00. At 6:00 we eat and then do homework. He might get 45 minutes to an hour to do what he wishes. Then bath time and bed. My husband doesn't get in until 6:45-7:00. If we did sports ds would have 0 time to do anything he likes. We do play nerf gun wars a lot in the evening so he gets to run around. He has gym 1 day a week. Ds isn't a big sports fan. He might like karate, but he has no coordination whatsoever! (Neither do I.)