One thing you can do regardless of anything else is to bump up the exercise level for your DS. From what you say, it looks like he sleeps a lot (?) and is unrested when he wakes up. My DS cannot fall asleep naturally because of his very active mind that keeps the thoughts buzzing around in circles all night long. So, the pediatrician said to increase the exercise level by a huge amount and to stop all screen time (screen images overstimulate kid's brains and disturbs sleep). We drasticllay increased the exercise level - PE in school, martial arts (3 times a week), swimming (2 times a week). And no screen time in our home.
My DS falls asleep now before his head hits the pillow and sleeps through the night. It is a great change in lifestyle for our family because for many years, I have been awake at night sitting with a toddler unable to sleep.
So, one thought would be to make him so tired that he sleeps soundly. And to make that happen, my only recourse was organized sports with a coach who could put my kid through the paces.

Last edited by ashley; 12/04/13 02:55 PM.